This is the result of my assignment 1. I wrote a short essay about Kazimir Malevich. Then, i created the magazine layout for my document. I'm sure that you are having the idea in mind that my works is very, very simple. However, these background are based on the works of Kazimir Malevich except for the first one.
The first page contains the word " Kazimir Malevich" that i designed after we had the lecturer about Carhartt. I arranged all the basic shapes in an abstract way like the way, just like Kazimir Malevich's style also.
I am wondering what is the standard to evaluate an art or design work. If i draw a black circle surrounded by a white circle like Kazimir Malevich did, definitely, no one wants my picture. However, in Kazimir case, people are auctioning off this kind of work and the price of it is 60 million dollars currently. That's so amazing!!!