Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is the result of my assignment 1. I wrote a short essay about Kazimir Malevich. Then, i created the magazine layout for my document. I'm sure that you are having the idea in mind that my works is very, very simple. However, these background are based on the works of Kazimir Malevich except for the first one.
The first page contains the word " Kazimir Malevich" that i designed after we had the lecturer about Carhartt. I arranged all the basic shapes in an abstract way like the way, just like Kazimir Malevich's style also.
I am wondering what is the standard to evaluate an art or design work. If i draw a black circle surrounded by a white circle like Kazimir Malevich did, definitely, no one wants my picture. However, in Kazimir case, people are auctioning off this kind of work and the price of it is 60 million dollars currently. That's so amazing!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is my work of creating a layout for Carhartt 's history. As the request of using no pictures or images in this layout.,I decided to create a new style for Carhartt title by just using some simple symbol such as triangles, or squares. Actually, I am not satisfies much with this work because my created Carhartt word looked not so cool as I expected. I also use this technique in the first assignment for creating layout of a research about Kazimir Malevich - a well-known artist with his painting - Black Square. I'll try my best to improve this technique in the following assignment.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been placed or put together and it is also one of the most interesting theory of design field. In those Gestalt picture, people can feel that they see 2 different pictures only in one image by just some simple draw.

One of the central themes of the gestalt movement, "The whole is more than the sum of its parts." was earlier born by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) when he added the notion that simple ideals combine into a new totality that may bear little resemblance to its parts.

In fact, the founder of gestalt psychology was Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), he had an insight while riding a train that if two lights blink on and off at a certain rate, they give the impression that one light is moving back and forth.

Here are some pictures drawn by Gestalt style:





This is my typography entry using Dada style which I learned from DIM 1. This whole picture includes 4 words: Dada, rmit, typography and dada again. In DIM 1, I drawn this picture by hand, but now, I scanned and traced by Illustrator and definitely, it looked really better than my drawing one. Hope you will see my words, it is a little bit difficult to recognise them.

This is the first one which was drawn by hand.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Grphic desigin

"Graphic design is a business of choosing and arranging marks on the surface to get an idea."

And this is another way of explaining Graphic Design by using simple symbols.

Sun And Moon

This is my work for The Sun and Moon topic. My idea is about a transition between day and night. The white color represents for day and the black color is known as night. The circle between those two color is the combination of Sun and Moon. Both of the sun and the moon have 2 parts that appear both on the day and night. My idea of this is to represent the miracle life round.